Remembering And Re-Posting September 11.
originally posted here and at Tizonas.
While many people died in the atrocities in 2001, we tend to remember most the Twin Towers falling.
Many of us watched it happening in real time, even myself here in Melbournistan, Australia.
Seven years after the event, the enormity of it is something that never leaves; perhaps that really was the end of history as we know it, rather than the year 2000.
For someone with the gift of the gab, this is one that renders me nearly speechless, and so I will just leave you with a comment of the frollicking mole's from Tim Blair's old blog:
I saw people jumping and never considered it suicide. It was a choice between the auto-de-fe of the islamists or the quick death of their own making.
They made a CHOICE not to die by burning, I only hope they closed their eyes and thought back to when they were 5 and could fly....
In the interests of tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism, and for those who think that America (we) deserved 9/11:
I hope you fucking rot in hell.
God bless America and her martyrs.
(crossposted at Tizona's)

Thank you, Bosch, for you have the pictures when I'm stricken dumb.
I stand by that one. Those poor buggers had no choice, except a painful death by Islamist hads or a painless one (but terrifying) by their own.
I called the USvarmy after this to see if theyd take me, they wouldnt. (deafness is a bitch). But by God.
(apparently even deaf medics arent that worthwhile)
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