Who's Afraid of the KKK?

Sergio Redegalli is someone we've met before.
His 'Say No To Burkas' mural provides endless cause for griping among the lefties where he lives, and he has had to repaint it dozens of times so far.
The definition of insanity is, of course, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
In Sergio's case, those who object to his painting continue to deface it, and he - in defiance of them - simply repaints it.
They do the same thing, and get the same results.
With a few little changes now and then.
How about a black KKK outfit? Will that offend people? It shouldn't. After all, it's a complete body covering in black.
It's the way someone may wish to present to the world, so who could possibly object?
I guess we'll see on this one.
Stay tuned....
crossposted at vladtepesblog
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