Sunday, November 09, 2008

My Vote For Quote Of The Week:

Cobalt Shiva over at The Jawa Report:
The comments on this post demonstrate that Oscar Wilde's "love that dare not speak its name" now has no earthly idea of when to shut the fuck up.
Cobalt Shiva | 11.05.08 - 7:08 pm

This is regarding Proposition 8 and it's passage in California.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of whether gay marriage should be allowed or not, Cobalt Shiva's comment underlines the biggest problem that gays have when it comes to acceptance from your regular, hetero, usually church-going average joe.

Too much bleating. I'm thinking squeaky wheels and oil here, and while it can work, it also breeds resentment.

Another problem the gay groups have is the rather visible segment who indulge in all sorts of..... appalling behaviour in public.

Please note that the last two links are most definitely not safe for work, and not safe for the squeamish. I have a pretty strong stomach, but there are some things that really shouldn't be allowed out in public.

Cross-posted at AWH.


At 7:04 AM, Blogger Jeremy said...

I can't say if the government had decided that it would arbitrarily prevent me from marrying the woman I love - for no other reason than some other, unaffected people's religious convictions - that I'd feel any obligation to "shut the fuck up".

I doubt Cobalt would, either.

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about if the government was following a tradition that went back hundeds or thousands of years, was the social norm and the majority of the population thought it was right?

Its the job of the gay/lesbian community to persuade the majority of the public to change their minds on the issue (its only been a short time since decriminalisation, Id call that huge progress in a short period of time).

Chucking a hissy fit or abusing the majority probably wont help their aims.
Or do you think the minority should be able to dictate to the majority now?

At 10:51 PM, Blogger MathewK said...

It definitely breeds resentment Nilk. Most people have no problem with what homos do in their bedrooms, but that's not enough for them, too many of them feel the urge to shove their sexuality in every one else's face and that does breed resentment since we're not allowed to reject it.

At 7:52 PM, Blogger Jeremy said...

"How about if the government was following a tradition that went back hundeds or thousands of years, was the social norm and the majority of the population thought it was right?"

So discriminating against a minority and taking away their rights is alright if the "majority" wants to do it?

I don't want to invite Godwin's Law, but seriously, think through what that means.

And MK - you're an idiot. Giving gays equal rights is not about their shoving anything in YOUR face; treating them as second class citizens is you shoving things in THEIR faces. The default position should be equality, where they don't punish you for being straight and you don't punish them for being gay.

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Nilk said...

Gays can have their civil unions, but a lot of religions see homosexuality as a sin. Personally, like MK, I don't give a toss what anyone does in their bedroom or at their play parties.

I give a toss when we get people like the rainbow sash mob fronting up to Mass todemand that George Pell administer communion.

As a catholic, that is grossly offensive to me, as they are not taking Communion to be one with the Body of Christ, but to score political points.

I don't go to church to deal with activists of any size, shape or colour.

I go to be closer with God and those in communion with Him.

As frollicking stated, it's only taken a few short decades for gays to come out of the closet and get into our faces, and we all know they're Not Going Anywhere.

The default position should be equality, where they don't punish you for being straight and you don't punish them for being gay.

Absolutely, you won't find many dissenters on that opinion.

Unfortunately, straights are being punished for voicing their opinions at the ballot box. As usual.

If straights object to what gays do it's homophobia, if gays object to what straights do, it's legitimate freedom of expression.

Even if other people find it offensive.

Oops! Did I just say that? My bad, straight, hetero, (predominantly) white people from a judeo-christian tradition aren't allowed to find things offensive. That might upset someone from a different environment.


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